Liberal Anglicanism

Discussion in 'Questions?' started by AusMatthew, Feb 6, 2018.

  1. Stalwart

    Stalwart Well-Known Member Anglican

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    And 33:

    That person which by open Denunciation of the Church, is rightly cut off from the Unity of the Church, and excommunicated, ought to be taken of the whole multitude of the faithful, as an Heathen and Publican, until he be openly reconciled by Penance, and received into the Church by a Judge that hath Authority thereunto.

    America the country was founded in 1776. Its principles were not those which the Puritan dissenters espoused in the 1620s or the 1640s, when they burnt their opponents and persecuted their dissenters (such as faithful Anglicans, or others). When America was founded in 1776, it was founded on principles of natural law which stem from: Classical Antiquity (Polybius/Livy/Corpus Iuris Civilis), St. Augustine, Richard Hooker, John Locke, and Baron de Montesquieu.
    Peteprint likes this.
  2. Tiffy

    Tiffy Well-Known Member

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    The vast majority of Anglican Parishes are faith communities centered in a secular community with historical links and family ties to the faith community and its buildings. Most do not have the 'Doctrinal and Denominational gate keeping' that goes on in 'Gathered Churches'. The average Parish church is actually a series of concentric 'faith' circles. At the centre of that group of concentric circles is the Priest and his/her team. Then the spiritual core of the church, is the lay officers and PCC, Standing Committee and faithful. Then beyond them are the baptised but rarely seen, (four wheeled Christians, pram, wedding car and hearse), the occasionally attending relatives and friends of the 'faithful', and various folks who feel a sense of place and identify closely with the location.

    The 'Faithful' are the 'Little Flock', Lk.12:32. (This is where the Spirit of the Church resides), The ever increasing concentric circles beyond that core, are the 'Harvest'. Lk.10:2. (This is where The Spirit ministers and sends workers).

    The word 'Liberal' as understood in the UK is not understood by Americans. Most Anglican churches are 'Liberal' in the UK.

    In the UK Liberal means, "Generous, noble minded, not hidebound by orthodoxy or pedantic rule keeping, but living by The Spirit, not the Letter of The Law." Which applies to most Anglican Churches.

    There are some unusual ones though who go in for 'gate keeping' and 'doctrinal inquisitions' in order to preserve their imagined 'Purity'. These are rare and occupy extremes of the theological spectrum from Strict Anglo Catholic, sometimes more RC than Roman Catholics, to Evangelicals sometimes more 'Protestant' than the DUP. These kind of churches generally regard any other churches outside their particular 'Tradition', with suspicion, but usually regard themselves as being the only truly 'Anglican' Churches.

    In the USA Liberal means: libertarian hedonism, lawlessness, licentiousness and casting off of all restraint, doctrinally impure and ecclesiastically irresponsible. Which actually applies to very few Episcopalian Churches, even in America, which tend to be rather conservative, with a small 'c'.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018
    Peteprint likes this.
  3. JoeLaughon

    JoeLaughon Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United States
    I would argue that the American definition of liberal is actually extremely common in the Global North; i.e the Episcopal Church I grew up in as well as the Anglican Church of Canada (also in most churches in the Global North to be honest). A better term would be heterodox.
    Shane R likes this.