Found these. Words from a sermon my grandfather once gave while he at Oxford as a guest preacher somewhere, poaching on Psalm 121. The text of the location was worn off the envelope, but I found them familiar and inspiring. He's right. Life is too short to worry, yet we are so inclined to that particular habit. I thought I'd share just to lighten your day, or relieve whatever might be burdening you. I find it philosophically interesting, and invite the discussion, because I know many are mad at God and think that He is out to get them. How can we approach these people, who might believe but feel empty? We are blessed with a free will and God's good grace and that carries us each day, but how can we reach out to others? It's the most challenging of challenges.
One should not worry about our physical future but we should worry about our spiritual future lest we become complacent
You're right, but when you trust in God - this is where our worry ought to cease, I think the message is. If we try our best, follow the traditions and scripture of the Church, attend Mass, fulfil our obligations, and keep faith in the love of God, why ought we worry? He used to love the Immaculate Heart. We have a picture of him at La Salette - he was brought to tears.