When I was part of the Traditional Catholic movement there seemed to be nothing but endless resources for the movement in the digital age. Blogs, facebook posts, active forums and countless other things where at are finger tips. We seemed to be fighting the good fight and getting out what it used to mean to be catholic, love of are faith reached very far in the modern age by the internet. I go to an Anglican Province of Christ the king and we very proudly carry on are Catholic faith has handed down by two thousand years of history. At the same time we are only one step shy of the very unchristian epicalian church. It seems like it is a good idea to use the internet, the blogs, face and anywhere else to spread what it is to be part of the Anglican church. Are teachings faith and memes. That being said I see almost known of it out there. Not one active facebook group... Is it cause the Anglican church is small and divided. Is it cause we are an aging demographic. I would like to start a face book group for Continuing Anglicans and start a blog to discuss church history, customs, and also current events. Is there any one else who is interested and would like to brainstorm other ways to get the Anglican voice out there.
Rev, I believe the issue is that Anglican Church these days is so divided and that is way too easy to break away and start a new line. I know when I first came to forum not long after it started a number of use came over from the Christian Forum and there quite a number of different flavours of Anglicans, and then the arguments started over theology and dogma. The Anglo Catholics were accused of trying to take over the Calvinists were accused of trying to take over etc. etc. etc. Some really good people moved on because of this - one of the more colourful characters Consular went back to the Roman Catholic flock from which he came. We have had all sorts of people but spent way too much time arguing about the fingers that point to God rather than God. I found face book to be much the same people come an go, one group I see on twitter quite often is the media religious group called the Daughters of St. Paul they are pretty active but don't get into theology. I am not sure what the answer is - maybe tolerance of others opinions might go a long way to making a difference here and elsewhere. blessings, Gordon tssf
I guess I so recent break away from the catholic church that the divisions really surprise me. With the Catholic church there maybe 2 or 3 large divisions but they agree on more than they do not. Here it just seems so much more confusing which makes it a lot harder on me to grow. I disagree a lot with the liberal ideas I have seen on here, but there is still so many questions I have and I like debates over issues. Debates in a respectful sense.