This a mostly serious thread to generally define myself in one place instead of arguing in different threads and fending off personal attacks and false charges in so many places. So, to my antagonists, here is your chance to unleash your vitriol all in one place. I am not..... A liberal or a fundamentalist; I am mostly a moderate. To support and defend my beliefs, I do not appeal to cultural relativism nor to a Bible made an idol. I try to base my convictions firmly on scripture, in context of the original meanings and settings. An Anglo-Catholic, although I have no problem with prayers for the dead. A Calvinist, as I disavow all five points of Calvinism. An Augustinian in soteriology. My soteriology is a combination of Eastern Orthodox and Anabaptist. I don't like or agree with most anything originating in the Latin West -- Roman Catholic or Protestant, including atonement theories. An exclusivist, or an adherent of any "party" in Anglicanism. My position is the same as F.D. Maurice in that regard. Perhaps I'll add to this, but I'll let that do for now.
Playing the victim is quite unbecoming, Celtic. I apologise if you felt personally offended by what I said but you must realise that one cannot keep one's mouth shut if serious error is being spread. In any case, I acknowledge that I can often be too harsh with my words.
I concur, and that is why I cannot keep my mouth shut. As for the rest: Thank you, and I understand because I have the same problem.