Hello,My name is Renee'. I was looking online trying to find a new church home. I left the Baptist faith, gave up my letter,I'm not giving up my faith,I just feel after 22 years that I just no longer agree with the doctrine that they preach, although my faith has been shaken, Not in God, but in the Baptist Church... I am no longer at the Church I went to,I go to listen to Gods words ,not to all of the gossip,be little,preach wrong doctrine,if you were not raised in this Church even after 22 years you are still treated as an outsider,Not as a Child of God. I believe in covering while praying, and I pray with Anglican Prayer Beads ,I feel I was set apart do to my beliefs. The feel that this Baptist Church Is not the New Testament Church.I just feel the Baptist Church is not the church you read about in the Bible. They call Sunday the Sabbath day. Ex. 20:10 says, "Six days labor, but the seventh is the Sabbath." That would make Saturday the Sabbath day. In Acts 20:7 we learn that the disciples came together to break bread upon the first day of the week. Baptists teach that people ought to keep THE Ten commandments. one of which commands the keeping of the seventh day, Sabbath It confused me while I was a Baptist. The truth of the matter is, Sunday is not the Sabbath, nor is it the Christian Sabbath, but the Lord's Day. The old Law, the Sabbath included, has been "fulfilled" (Matt. 5:17-18), "done away" (Ex. 34:27-33; II Cor. 3:6-14; Rom. 7:1-7), "nailed to the cross" (Col. 2:14-16). I do not believe that everything they say is a falsehood . I believe that they preach a lot of truth. The part that they preach that is true, I am glad to accept, but the things they preach which are not the truth made me leave them. You are probably wondering if I have visited a couple of other churches? Yes, and I still am feeling I am not getting much from them. I have thought long and hard about leaving the Baptist Faith,it is something I prayed on for over a year... So any ways I was online looking for a Church, a Church that preaches the TRUTH,that is a Family,and when I typed in Churches close by to me, This Episcopal Church was the first one to pop up,and the second to pop up,and third , I prayed on it,and I feel it is a sign. Any way, sorry to drag on I could go on and on, but so not to bore you I will close now
Whenever something crops up three times in connection to prayer and guidance, it is worth giving it extra consideration. I hope you find a welcome in your local Episcopal church. No church is perfect, because it is made up of imperfect but mostly grateful people for being forgiven and accepted by God. If they show the same acceptance to you, then stay and be God's gift to them. Welcome to Anglican Forums, from the resident heretic. Regards Tiffy.
Welcome, Renee. Be prepared for the fact that there is considerable diversity among Anglicans on many issues. That being said, we have a lot of good people here who will gladly assist you with guidance and prayer. P.S. I was raised in a Baptist church. Peter
What do you mean by "covering while praying?" Baptists to my knowledge go to church on Sunday, unless you're referring to a Sabbatarian or Seventh Day type church. All Christians will generally say that the 10 commandments reflect natural law and ought to be followed.
I would presume that means covering her hair? If so that is unfortunately not widely followed in most Episcopalian parishes at the moment, although historically it was more common.
Praying for you on your journey. May I suggest trying a few nearby Episcopal or Anglican (ACNA, Continuing) churches? Also the best way to explore the Anglican tradition is through using the Book of Common Prayer (online but also there's a great app called iPray) and the Articles of Religion.
It's been a couple of months. Please report back and let us know if you have settled into a new church home, or if you are still searching.