How does everyone approach tithing? I don't think that one has to give ten percent. I see it more as giving out of a joyful heart. I actually do give right around 10 percent because I can but I don't think it is required.
Many years ago I was taught and believed that the tithe is expected by God from the Christian, and I participated in the tithe. Then I read an old (1908) book on the subject, The Tithe in Scripture by Henry Lansdell, D.D. One of the things the book taught was an in-depth view of the tithe as it was practiced in the O.T. (I read a hard copy from a library, but since then I've gotten a free copy off the web. The author was decidedly pro-tithe, but ironically the book had the opposite effect on me because I saw that the tithe really was a required part of the Old Covenant but was never, and could never be, required under the New Covenant established by the perfect redemptive work of Christ on our behalf. Under the Law, and to keep their part of the covenant, the Israelites had to tithe three distinct tithes, of which two were annual and the third was every third year, for an overall average of 23.33% of their increase. But Christ fulfilled the Law on our behalf. And the N.T. teaches that we should give, but it does not teach that we must tithe; even when Jesus spoke of tithing on the mint and dill, He was speaking to not-yet-redeemed Pharisees who were living under the Law. I tend to give more to ministries that care for the needy in conjunction with Gospel propagation than I do to the local church. My local parish seems to be adequately supplied (weekly data is printed in the bulletins) and my compassion for the lost leads me to direct my funds to where the need is greater. No need is greater than a person's need to know Christ as his Redeemer.
Yeh I can't find where the tithe is in the New Testament either and it was not really a thing until churches were separated from state and need a way to operate.I give to the church probably over ten percent and then give to three charities and budget in a little for something that strikes me at the time.