Thanksgiving Day Morning Prayer

Discussion in 'Liturgy, and Book of Common Prayer' started by Shane R, Nov 21, 2019.

  1. Shane R

    Shane R Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that the 1892 American BCP contained "A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the Fruits of the earth, and all the other Blessings of his merciful Providence?" I was reminded of this a few days ago when I was investigating something else and reading a crusty old volume about the evolution of the American prayer book from 1892 to 1928. The author in question railed against this and a few other services that he considered hopelessly antiquated.

    My parish has a Thanksgiving Day MP service each year. (The attendance is largely dependent on how far along with meal prep the ladies are.) Anyhow, I decided to look at this old form and see what it offered. The Archbishop encourages the clergy to look into services in the historical prayer books outside of the 1928 American because, frankly, there's not that much content in there for occasional services. So I put together a service booklet using the basic form of the 1892 service (ie. no Litany and no profusion of extra collects or the longer exhortations that may be read at a few places in the text.) I've attached my service booklet.

    Attached Files:

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