The man who has indulged in pagan worship has gone against God yet again.... Lord save us from such false Anglicans Becoming transgender a sacred journey of becoming whole, says ex-Archbishop of Canterbury --- Rowan Williams the 'druid' --- Pope Francis smiles and kisses a transgender 'Grassi' family, and two sodomite 'husbands': Pope Francis praying to the Pachamama idol:
Slippery slope vindicated again. Although it's hard to be surprised by the Church of England anymore, I was taken back to see Rowan hanging out with the Druids. Maybe he should stop calling himself an Anglican and join the Druidic priesthood (it would fit him better).
I thought it would be worthwhile to post the letter and see this was something more than Rowan Williams being eccentric. This was an ecumenical venture.
Off to church in just over an hour for the Good Friday liturgy. Shall perhaps go a bit earlier and spend some time praying that heterodox bishops are returned to the fullness of the Faith.
Not to distract from the central theme of the thread, but I'd like to know more about the claim of Archbishop Williams' druish leanings (a nod to Spaceballs). Is he a part of a religious group? I ask this only because I've heard that there are neo-pagan groups and essentially secular groups that both go under the moniker of Druid. For example, Queen Elizabeth II was initiated into the Druidic group, the Gorsedd of the Bards of Wales, in the 40's, which was really just a rather flambouyant society to honor Welsh arts and culture: I read the Queen lost her honorary title of Primary Ovate because she never actually learned to speak Welsh despite being given 50 years to do so. C'est la vie (wait, that's not Welsh!) Since Williams is himself Welsh, I wonder if that's the kind of Druidic group he appears to be a member of. On the other end of the spectrum, there was a stink in TEC a few years back where a priest was also serving as a high priest in a neo-pagan circle of druids. He couldn't understand why that posed a problem. The bishop, in a show of good sense uncommon in TEC episcopate, pressured him to resign his post. He apparently quickly backslid into his old Anglican ways once the reality of his new faith set in.