I wanted to know some answers to RCC arguments against salvation by grace/faith: -That although purgatory exists, the thief on the cross didn't have to go to purgatory because he didn't commit any sins after he believed, but most of us do so even after we're saved, and Paul says if we sin after being saved or knowing the truth we have to start all over again. -That he has 'made perfect forever those have been sanctified' only means specific sins of those who are working on being sanctified which eventually leads to their salvation if they persist. So for instance, if someone lies twice but gets forgiveness for one sin, but dies with the other, they'll only be charged for the unconfessed/unforgiven one in purgatory. -That Ephesians (specifically 2:8) is only saying people have been saved by SOME things through grace by faith and not everything, implying an incremental works based system.
Sorry I am not seeing anything coherent in these arguments from the RCC. Can you re-phrase? Also I don't believe the RCC would want to argue against grace, so can you sharpen exactly what you're looking to ask for?
I am confused, too. I left the RCC, but their belief in grace from faith was not one of them, or salvation from faith.