Original article can be found here. Rev. Dr. Noll presents fourteen theses on why the orthodox Angliican churches need to reform the Communion. None of the points raised will come as a surprise to anybody on this board, but it is important to keep this document in mind as the Kigali conference nears. The Anglican firmament is about to undergo a seismic change and this missive will be a good roadmap to understand what is happening. Be joyful, my brother and sister Anglicans! What is happening is not only long overdue, but is a sign that -- at long last -- global Anglicanism may once again be unified in a faithful, orthodox Communion. It is a time of reformation, renewal, and koinonia between the orthodox Anglicans of East and West, North and South.
That is an enlightening read. May God guide all of those who lead. I pray for success in attaining a unified and faithful Communion.