Prayers for Ireland

Discussion in 'Personal Advice, Care & Prayers' started by Aidan, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

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    N Ireland
    Traditional RomanCatholic
    i beg you all to storm heaven on behalf of future generations and family life. In a few weeks Ireland will have abortion referendum. As my country was the first in the world to legalise "gay marriage" I fear very much for the outcome of this referendum. Ireland's very souls may be at stake and further evidence of Satan being at large
    Anglican04 likes this.
  2. Botolph

    Botolph Well-Known Member

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    Unless you are Dutch, and even then it may be questioned, I don't think your nation was the first to legalise gay marriage. Ireland was around the 19th country to pass such legislation in the modern era, though the first to do it by plebiscite or referendum.


    Australia's abortion laws are perhaps the inverse of Ireland. The prevailing argument as I recall it when changes were made to the legislation had to do with the problematic issue of backyard abortions, and the serious damage done to many young women through this, including death. The idea of abortion as a method of birth control is of course entirely repugnant to most people, however it is an area abounding if difficult cases, especially in the case of rape, or the welfare of the mother may be in jeopardy, or where the prospects of the child being born healthy are extremely low, however the moment you make allowances you will be challenged to know where to draw the line.

    We have some clearly document cases where abortion has be bad for the woman (and possibly the man) down the track, and our health systems are now geared up for counselling in the area before final decisions are taken. It has to be absolutely clear that no woman should be pressured to have an abortion by a man who does not want to face up to his responsibilities.

    It is a hugely complex area, and I have no idea how you can have a referendum on the matter, and expect to get anything right. Mostly I would argue that the best resolve is not to get pregnant unless you want a child. However I am aware that sage though that advice may be, it is not welcome in all corners.

    I will pray that Gd will guide you nation.
    Aidan likes this.
  3. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

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    N Ireland
    Traditional RomanCatholic
    Yes Philip, I should have said the first country to have a referendum on "gay marriage"