Is it possible to have a personal notebook attached to your personal profile page? You could write notes and edit this notebook. I have lost count of the number of times I have thought things like; That article is interesting I must make a note of where it is on this forum. I must get back to member X about something. I just found out something interesting and must write about it sometime. How can I remember where a copy of that book that has been posted on here is. I know I would find this useful , and I assume others would as well.
If you have seen the program Notepad++, it is quite handy as it offers a tabbed notepad and can be used for a number of documents at once. It is well known amongst coders as it helps sort syntax in a number of coding languages, however, it has many other practical uses and sits at an attractive price point (free, though the author welcomes donations)
External tools like Evernote or Microsoft's OneNote are very useful for this kind of thing. I'm sure the Mac has similiar kinds of tools.
I use "notes" on the Mac to copy and paste URLs with short descriptions of what they pertain to, if I think they might be useful later on. "Notes' is also in the cloud so all other Apple devices automatically have the "notes" file updated. Its also good for speelung chucking. .
Yes I know there are other "notepads" I sometimes use Window's notepad or wordpad, but it always seems less than ideal. I tried Ananias's OneNote, but I always have trouble with Microsoft accounts, and here's why. 10 years ago or so I bought a legal copy of Office. All I got was a card which I could use to download Office using my email. I didn't know at the time I was creating a Microsoft account. All was great till one day 10 years later I accidentally deleted Office. I tried using my card to reinstall it, it asked for my password. Huh I don't remember a password why would I need one when I had my legit paid for card? No problems it would send a temperary password to the email I used when installing office. The only trouble is my Internet provider 8 years ago decided to get out of Email business and stopped all its email services. That is why to this day I have OneNote type problems. An Anglican forum notebook would be just so much easier for me as you would be on the forum when you decided you needed to use it. Rant over.
Some time back I made a decision to use Google tools, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides, and really since then, I have not used office except in circumstances that require me to. This led to me having fewer rants about software. I have used the tools for pewsheets, parish magazines, writing a book, as well as letters and other stuff.