I thought these might be of interest to especially people at the more traditional end of Anglicanism. The Prayer Book Society is running number of online seminars for Lent. All times are GMT (so add 5 hours for EST, 7 hours for PST). The series, entitled ‘For His Mercy Endureth For Ever: Exploring God’s Mercy with the Book of Common Prayer,’ will be held via Zoom in four sessions; two on Tuesday evenings and two on Saturday afternoons. The programme will be as follows: ‘Devices and Desires: Confessing our Sins with the BCP.’ The Revd Dr Andrew Atherstone, Tutor in Church History at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. Tuesday 2nd March at 7.00pm. 'Towards the Mercy-Seat: God's Mercy in the Psalms.' The Revd Canon Richard Peers, Sub Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. Saturday 13th March at 2.30pm. 'Whose Sins Thou Dost Forgive, They are Forgiven: The Remedy for Sin.' The Rt. Revd Dr Martin Warner, Bishop of Chichester. Tuesday 16th March at 7.00pm. 'Whose Property is Always to Have Mercy: The Prayer Book Communion and the Nature of God.' Dr Bridget Nichols, Lecturer in Anglicanism and Liturgy at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute. Saturday 27th March at 2.30pm. Each talk will last approximately 30 minutes and will be followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion. The afternoon sessions will conclude with Evening Prayer and the evening sessions with the Litany. Registered participants will receive an automated e-mail containing the Zoom link. Please note that the same Zoom link is valid for all four sessions; it is not necessary to register for each individual session. Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/reg...utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Lent+Newsletter In addition, Mattins followed by Litant and the Commination will be streamed tommorow at 10am GMT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL...utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Lent+Newsletter