Hi all, I have been feelimg drawn back to Christianity for some time now, and recently have been looking into the Anglican Communion. I keep getting the feeling it's "the real thing". I do have a couple questions. Is the ECUSA really going to be excluded from the Communion? I'm sure this is a big question, just wondering if there's any consensus prognosis. Also, as a baptized Christian, is it true that I can receive Communiom without a lot of fanfare? Pax Christi, Egbert
Egbert, Welcome. Is the TEC going to be excluded? There is going to be a schism with the Orthodox Anglicans and the TEC, Anglican Church in Canada and possibly the CoE. So the TEC will be excluded from the majority of Anglican Churches. Right now most of the Anglican Communion is either not in Communion with the TEC or in impaired Communion. A growing number of Archbishops will not participate in services nor take communion with the TEC. You can receive as a Baptized Christian in most Anglican jurisdictions. I would check with the requirements of the parish you are attending. That being said, it appears you had abandoned Christianity for a period of time. I would suggest you speak with your priest for counsel and confession. I do not want you to partake of the Body and Blood of Christ in an unworthy manner. Also, the rubrics of the prayer book tells the priest to deny communion to those who, even baptized, have lived "a naughty and evil" manner. Just because you are baptize does not automatically allow you to receive the Body and Blood of Christ. Blessings Fr. Mark
Thanks for the replies, especially yours, Fr. Mark. I certainly will speak with a priest. However, I expect that will be embarrassing and so on ("uhoh, another of these guys..." thinks the long-suffering priest), so I wanted to get some idea here. Seems like everywhere you look there's a schism. Anyway, thank you.
Egbert, A priest should not and none I know would ever think "uhoh, another of these guys". A priest and heaven rejoices when a child of God comes home. The parable of the prodigal son is a metaphor about God and a wayward son coming home. As the father runs to embrace his son who once was lost, God yearns to "run" to you His adopted son. I pray you return to the embrace of God and His love. Fr. Mark
Welcome! Good questions. I second talking with a priest - he will only be delighted, nothing at all the demeanor you fear. It does feel embarrassing, but just think of it like taking off a band-aid....best to just get it done with then delay and drag things out All the best to you!