Mind wrought by filthy humor

Discussion in 'Personal Advice, Care & Prayers' started by Religious Fanatic, Oct 14, 2018.

  1. Religious Fanatic

    Religious Fanatic Well-Known Member

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    As I grow in the knowledge of God, and become sanctified, I become more aware of my transgressions. I must admit that my mind is very wrought with sick humor. I have even used a lot of filthy language and humor when discussing faith-based things. I am yearning to make an improvement on this matter as attempts to be both crude and Christian at the same time have hurt my witness in the past and made me look like a hypocrite. It is a common thing in the churches, Protestants and Catholics alike, to mix raunchiness with Christianity in the culture we live in. See the film Dogma, truly profane movie. What I've said in the past and throughout my life is pretty much on par with that.