How is everyone going to fast during Lent and what else are you doing for Lent. I am keeping the fasts of Ash Wednesday and Good Friday plus no meat or olive oil on Fridays. I am going to read more Scripture and going to give up candy.
I have obtained a copy of "The Valley of Vision," a collection of Puritan prayers and devotions, and I intend to read the prayers during Lent. I probably won't get all the way through it, as there are perhaps 180 prayers (or thereabout) in this book. They are quite eloquent prayers. It was recommended to us by our priest.
Read a book about the parables of Jesus and give up chocolate? 70 years ago we used also to save up loose change in a little box like a concertina, and give to a Christian Charity on Easter Day. Lent is a really good way to discover how poor we are at keeping promises and therefore how much we need Jesus. Arn't we so lucky he's so forgiving and knows us so well. Anything at all is really worth the effort as long as it enhances humility and increases faith and knowledge of God. .
One does not need to merely give up one thing. Create a schedule of simply living on less, more prayer, more almsgiving and go to Church.
I am going to morning prayer daily during the week along with evening prayer on wed and sat. And of course Holy Communion on Sundays.