So I’m praying daily Morning and Evening Prayer from my 1928 APB. I want to supplement using my Orthodox prayer books, the midnight office, small compline, some of the little hours. what think ye? CFLawrence
There is a liturgy and other hours in the new 2019 (ACNA) Book of Common Prayer, might want to check it out. The Greek stuff you might have a culture clash with, but I haven't researched it enough, so would be interested to know your impression.
You can pray to God with whatever words you find appropriate, be they from this book or that book, or from a a book of the Bible. However, don't hesitate to also talk to God in your own words. The words in a prayer book came from the writers' hearts, but your words come directly out of your own heart.
I think I’m going to purchase the 2019 BCP as well as ACNA’s ESV Bible with Apocrypha. I think it is something I should have and will use. Thank you for pointing me in that direction. Mixing East and West I discovered is just a bad idea. The only things I use from the East are the Jesus Prayer and The Akathist. They seem to fit in with my Anglican piety. But thank you again @Stalwart .
Yes, I’ve made mental prayer a daily part of my regimen, and after mental prayer proper come colloquy which is really just saying your prayers, God bless my family, forgive me my sins, help me with these problems, &tc. So you’re absolutely right, the daily office is essential but so is just talking to God, Jesus, Mary and the Saints.