Dear friends, We Christians do complain about the most trivial, worldly things. Amidst all that we pass off as legitimate worry, there are grand, beautiful souls who see past the nonsense most of us fixate on. The young Garvan Byrne was one such person. This child's humility in keeping the love of God while accepting terrible pain and impending death, is extraordinary. It should move us all to repentant tears for the petty concerns which so often make us forget the incredible love of God. Watch this holy little one, especially when you feel the pride of complaining and impatience enter your heart. All conflict and contention must melt away before the face of this interview. Discern the love of God in this boy. Garvan died only two months after this interview was taped, aged 12.
I watched this at school! I've tried to find it several times before but couldn;t remember his name. Thanks for posting it! such faith! really inspirational
Ah, so incredibly beautiful! If I could give one thousand likes to these vids, I would. 1,000 likes to that post Consular, very much so.