I'm starting to see Ordinariate ex-Anglicans having tremendous doubts about Rome

Discussion in 'Anglican and Christian News' started by Spherelink, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Spherelink

    Spherelink Active Member

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    Unhinged SC Anglican
    Is anyone else seeing tremendous doubts among the Ordinariates after having joined Rome?

    Here's one example:

    "There is an apocryphal tale that B Pius IX once said Io sono la Tradizzione ['I am Tradition']... I belong to Christ's Church Catholic as defined by Pastor aeternus of Vatican I (Joseph Ratzinger summarised it so lucidly) in which the Pope is not an absolute monarch but is the Guardian of the Sacred Tradition received from the Apostles. I have no desire to belong to somebody else's "Catholic Church" in which Tradition and Pope are seen as competing alternatives, and in which safe and wise Corporation Men who know what's good for their health prioritise Pope above Tradition...

    Four years ago, I and others, not without some sacrifice, joyfully accepted the gracious invitation of Benedict XVI to enter into full communion. I, for one, did not do so in order to stand idly by with a polite smile upon my silly face while some unscrupulous Northern European ecclesiastics plot to demolish the Church's teaching and discipline about Marriage and Sexuality, and to do so by means of a confected hyperpapalism which as far as I can see contradicts the defined doctrine of Vatican I, and thus seems to me clearly a heresy."
    Classical Anglican likes this.
  2. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Anglican (ACNA)
    How widespread is this? The Ordinariates I've seen are die-hard Papists to whom the Pope can do no wrong, all the while claiming that they fully "remain Anglican and not Roman Catholic" whatever that means.