Just wondering what services you folks have offered at your parish? We have a Maundy Thursday service followed by a vigil. Friday we have a service with Pre-Sanctified Gifts, a Saturday service with a local evangelical church and Easter Sunday. I don't believe we have anything planned for Easter Monday. Yours in the Lord, jay
Palm Sunday, Tenebrae, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and a Great Easter Vigil service. http://www.allsaintssacramento.org/ Random question, but is it true many (Anglican) Churches give out large amounts of holy water in bottles on Easter?
Eucharist today, tomorrow, and Wednesday, stripping of the altars and foot-washing Thursday, Stations of the Cross across campus from the Episcopal Church in Colonial Williamsburg all the way to the Catholic Student Center followed by an evening service, vigil on Saturday, and of course, Easter services, with a banquet afterwards.
Just what the prayer book offers for evening prayer for holy week, then easter service at one of the Anglican churches around here.
Yes! It's the home of the Catholic Campus Ministry. We do Stations with them every year, all the way around campus.
My choir performs an absolutely stunning english version of the Bach St. Matthew's Passion on Good Friday. I am moved to tears every time.
Eucharist Monday thru Thursday evening. Stripping of the Altar on Thursday. Stations of the cross Friday morning and evening.
Tonight we had the Mass of the Institution of the Holy Eucharist, also known as the Mass of the Good Supper, followed by Benediction and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Our rector just received a copy of the new 2017 Hymnal from the REC, and we've begun to use it quite a bit. It's a good collection! Tomorrow we have a one hour service at 1, which is a far throw from the three hour service we had last year - in which seven hymns, seven homilies, on seven phrases of Christ were preached and sung. It's for good reason however, as our new church building is being built, the Wesleyans who have been so kind to lend us their building throughout Lent, have a service at 3.
As I said on another thread, I went to the cathedral (that is to say Winchester Cathedral) for Easter. The schedule was: Maundy Thursday 7-8:30pm Eucharist of the Last Supper Good Friday 12-3pm Three Hours Devotion - that is to say the first 1.5 hours consists of reflections interspersed with music and silence, then the BCP Litany in procession followed by a service which included St. John's Passion, Psalm 22, Veneration of the Cross and pre-sanctified Communion. Holy Saturday 7:30-8pm Vigil of Preparation, 8-10pm what was described as a Service of Light, fairly similar to what would be thought of as an Easter Vigil service including baptisms and confirmations. Easter Sunday 8am BCP Communion, 10am Mattins, 11:15am Sung Eucharist (setting was BCP), 3:30pm Evensong.