ROME — A group of Catholic and Anglican theologians has publicly called on the Vatican to review and overturn a papal document from 1896 that declared Anglican ordinations "absolutely null and utterly void." "Where we once walked apart, we now walk together in friendship and love," wrote members of the Malines Conversations Group after tracing the history of ecumenical agreements between the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion and, especially, reviewing examples of collaboration and gestures of recognitio
It doesn't matter to mush very much that they wrote it, since our own response more than adequately represents the catholic position on the issue... But it sure would be nice to wipe the noses of RCC radtrads who believe they have the only valid holy orders
Very true, @bwallac2335. The issue is merely a historical footnote since any alleged defect was cured when scandinavian Lutherans and Old Catholics, whose orders were never in question, participated in Anglican consecrations. It sounds like a solution in search of a problem at this point.
Who really cares what the RCC thinks about Anglican ordinations? I mean, sure it's nice of them and all that, but in the end, they aren't the authority in this matter, even if they think they are.
If we want the RCC's approval of our orders we ought to have thought about that before we went against the majority* of Christendom** and started ordaining women. If for no other reason the RCC is not going to recognise our orders for that reason. *Numerically in terms of number of individual members. **Roman (or Latin) Catholic Church, Eastern Catholic churches, Eastern Orthodox churches, Oriental Orthodox churches, Ancient Church of the East, and Assyrian Church of the East.
I consider myself to be in such a group within the Church of England. I have seen an interest blog today about how some Catholics may support this move as a backdoor way of getting women's ordination on the agenda. After all, it would cause one holy row if the RCC said we recognise Anglican orders but only if the cleric is a man.
I am in a diocese that does not ordain women and will fight with all my might to keep it so. I would hate to see Rome add this to her list of errors
There is surely no question that any recognition of Anglican Orders would only be extended to male priests who have a male pedigree of ordination?
That is the very reason why the Roman Catholic Church will not recognised Anglican Orders. Indeed, I cannot see how it can. First, there is the problem that most Anglican churches now permit, and I think have, female priests. The Catholic Church maintains that women cannot be ordained; therefore, I cannot see them recognising Anglican Orders. Plus, the C of E, and I'm sure other Anglican churches too, consider the ordained Anglican presbyterate to be on a par with the ministers Protestant churches who do not have an episcopate and do not recognise priestly ordination. The Catholic Church could not accept this, either.
I think that she will not. Despite his other strange antics Francis seems to maintain that Holy Orders is reserved to men (viri) only.