Scriptural, in that I make it my highest duty to conform to every thing stated of our Lord God in the Old and New Testaments. Patristic, in that I confess my next duty to be conformity to the reasonable traditions of the earliest bishops of the Church. Anglican, in that I adhere to the universal standards of the BCP, 39 Articles, and more broadly, the Divines of 1530-1730. Conservative, in that I believe in the retention of ancient orders, distinctions, sacraments, and especially older music. High-Church, in that I wish the hierarchical Church to be respected as a lawful, and good authority for retaining the Gospel. Evangelical, in that I live through faith alone in Christ Jesus alone, regenerate in Baptism and fed in the Holy Eucharist.
(Conservative Anglo-Catholic Anglican) I believe in the authority of Holy Scripture. I believe Holy Scripture to be inspired by God and to be held as sacred. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no man cometh unto the Eternal Father but by Him. I believe the 3 solemn Creeds of the Universal Church. I uphold the Book of Common Prayer of 1662 as the standard of Anglican worship. I hold to the 39 Articles of the BCP I adhere to the Jerusalem Declaration of GAFCON and the FCA. I strongly believe in the doctrine of the Communion of Saints. I acknowledge 2 Dominical Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Holy Baptism and the 5 sacramental rites of the Catholic Church. I believe in prayer for the dead. I believe St.Mary is the Theotokos or (God-Bearer) and that she deserves special veneration above other saints, but never to be exalted above her Divine Son Jesus Christ. I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. I prefer to kneel to receive communion, though standing is ok too. I like the use of bells and incense at Mass. I believe we as Christians must share the Gospel with the lost and hurting. I prefer the King James Version and the English Standard Version as my bibles. I use the Dominican Rosary, but do not use the Luminous Mysteries. I believe in Baptismal Regeneration. I promote the use of the Sign of The Cross to all Christians.
Celtic1, what exactly would "moderate" be in terms of Christianity? The use of political terms is not very helpful, considering the fact that they come from the French Revolution, an inherently atheistic movement. We can't really move on those lines.
Consular... What . . . no link to the French Revolution (1789-1799)? The Sea Rises by Phiz (Hablot K. Browne). Illustration to Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities. Book II, Chapter 22. All the Year Round (October 1859); issued 3 September. Retrieved from Illustrations by Phiz for A Tale of Two Cities (1859). [The two cities are London and Paris.].
By moderate, I mean those who could not be considered either fundamentalists or modernists/liberals. I think most know what a fundamentalist Christian is, or a liberal one. I consider myself basically moderate theologically -- for the most part. I don't like extremes. Ethically and morally, I am quite conservative and traditionalist.
Perhaps. But I think that might mean one thing to some and something else to others -- within an Anglican context, and without. Could you explain how you mean it?
Others would probably call me a conservative, however I never liked the name. I much preferred "radical" makes it sound so much more exciting! We're not keeping to old outdated ways - no we're being radical in going against the grain of cultures and expectancies around us, following God's ways and not man's! Perhaps maverick is a good name fo rme too With so many different labels and descriptions available going round I could give myself a big list of them. Some names I find have been so linked with innaccuate stereotypes that they have becoem unuseful. So generally speaking I prefer just a simple use of christian and the a fuller idea of my beliefs comes with getting to know me lol. I do like the term evangelical, - being gospel focused. And it was the name the flegling protestant movement gave itself which sums up its original aim perfectly.I think these two labels are th most important ones to me. So I'm an evangelical christian
Guard the rich deposit of faith with the help of the Holy Spirit who dwells within So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter" (2:15). Either by word of mouth or letter. You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me. All from S. Paul.
I think he meant: Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2
You took what I said out of context. In my full post I said following God's ways not Man's is what makes us radical. And Christianity, although the same throughout the ages is not stuck in the past. It's still relevant and challenging to modern day culture and society. That was my point