The collects at morning and evening prayer are pretty straightforward on an ordinary feria, but I have questions about feast days. 1. On a holy day, do you say both the collect for the Sunday and the collect for the feast? 2. Is it different if the holy day falls on a Sunday versus if it falls on a weekday? 3. If you do say both, is there a particular order to say them in? 4. Would anything about the above be different for BCP holy days versus the ones from Lesser Feasts and Fasts? 5. I have heard that there must be an odd number of collects, but I don't see anything stating that in my 1928 BCP. Is that actually a rule?
Bump as I am curious about this. There might be differences between the 2019 and the 1928 BCP on how to do this also
The logic of the collect and indeed all the propers is that we do one thing at a time. Lesser Holy Days, if they fall on a Sunday, would generally not be observed, save for those oddities that abound, ie: if the Parish Church is dedicated to St Botolph, then the Feast of St Botolph would be observed on the Sunday if that was were it fell. Greater Holy Days, would normally be observed if they fell on the Sunday, and not the feria. That may not be the case in Lent (Annunciation, Purification ...) Generally you would only say one collect - the idea of the collect is to 'collect - as in bring the prayers of the people into a single collected prayer for the day.
Actually this feeds into my question as well, and I was kinda ashamed to admit I didn't know this, but, how do the Collects map on to the week? Like, we all know the collects are only for the Sunday, so if you have to say a Collect on a Tuesday then what is it you're supposed to be saying?..
You say the Collect for the most recent Sunday. But if there is a feast you wish to commemorate, you may say the Collect for the feast day and the Collect from the previous Sunday. There are times when the BCP prescribes more than one Collect, such as Lent wherein the Collect for Ash Wednesday is said every day until Passiontide as well as the Sunday Collect.
So at matins this morning (using the 1928 BCP and 1963 Lesser Feasts and Fasts), the appropriate sequence for collects would be: 1. Collect for Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky 2. Collect for the 16th Sunday after Trinity 3. Collect for Peace 4. Collect for Grace Do I have this right? I appreciate the help!
Modern Prayer Books (like the 1979, 2019) expect only one Collect of the Day; optional commemorations therefore would never enter the Office. But, to my knowledge, there is no rubric that forbids such a practice
If I understand correctly, the First Sunday after Christmas is only observed if it falls between Holy Innocents Day and Circumcision. When that's not the case, is the collect for that Sunday still read on any of the following days? To be specific: on Tuesday through Thursday of next week, will the collect for Christmas day be the only one read, or will the collect for the First Sunday after Christmas also be read?
Tuesday through Thursday next week we use the (1st) Sunday after Christmas collect in the daily offices, yes