KY Bishop to Join Pro-LGBT Conference by Rodney Pelletier • • December 9, 2016 Bp. John Stowe will be speaking at New Ways Ministry symposium DETROIT ( - A Kentucky bishop is one of several clerics and religious scheduled to participate in a pro-LGBT symposium sponsored by New Ways Ministry, a dissident Catholic group censured by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Bishop John Stowe of the diocese of Lexington is scheduled to participate in the group's eighth annual symposium, called "Justice and Mercy Shall Kiss: LGBT Catholics in the Age of Pope Francis," being held April 28–30, 2017 in Chicago. New Ways Ministry is notorious for demanding changes in Church teaching on the morality of same-sex relations, the normalization of so-called transgenderism and ordination of women to the priesthood. Stowe, a Franciscan, was consecrated last year and is the third bishop of the diocese of Lexington. New Ways Ministry applauded his August speech to the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, where he condemned, among other things, so-called judgmentalism towards the divorced and civilly remarried, and the Church's treatment of homosexuals and transgenders: Click here for the rest of the article: