Alright!! Lets hear it for a Georgia boy! I hope this means more growth in the state. I would definitely like an ACNA option in my neck of the woods.
I was reading his blog awhile ago and he seems like a good man. Also, I have heard he is not a fan of WO, but I can't verify that.
Does anybody have more articles about the man, maybe a track record of his votes on issues in the past? Like would he be strong on matters of family and gender? I briefly began going to Orthodox services, because the problem of Women's Ordination, but, quickly it was obvious that it isn't for me. It's just so ethnic, and the theology is.. odd. Then I see the new Archbishop and my hopes flare up once again that he could clear out the Aegean Stables and put the church on a consistent and solid footing.
Anglican74, Here are links to his preaching and his personal blog: