I'm trying to recontact a Christian I meet on a previous now closed forum. I think his name is Jamie Albert. He lived/lives in Reynoldsville and is a welder at a Railway workshop. We got on really well (despite our differences). His forum name was Rerun and a 4 digit number. If someone can track him down I will send you my details to pass onto him. I wouldn't expect you to send me his details as that would be impolite. Thanks everyone
I do know someone who lives in PA, but he lives 250 miles from Reynoldsville so that's no help. PA is a fairly large state. I suppose you could email or call someone in Reynoldsville (here is the town's website) and say you're trying to get back in touch with a friend you've lost contact with. Include your contact information and ask them to please pass that info on to Mr. Jamie Albert if they happen to be able to locate him without much trouble. It's a small town (perhaps 3,000 people) so they might recognize the name. It's unfortunate that internet phone listings have all been monetized. It wasn't always that way. I recall one time about 20 years ago when my elderly mother was reminiscing about her best chum in high school. She knew the city in Arizona where the friend had been living, but she'd lost the phone number and physical address. I walked into the other room and got on my computer (with dial-up 56k modem, remember those?), and in 10 minutes I had the woman on the phone. When I handed the phone to my mother, she was totally amazed that I had found her friend's phone number so easily! Can't do that any more, though, at least not without paying some website in advance and hoping they turn up what you're looking for.
A good way to find him, one I myself have used to connect with people, is to Google for his forum username and see if he’s used it on other forums. Then I’d make an account on them, and DM him. Oftentimes people set up DM alerts, so even if he’s no longer active there he’s still get an alert or even an email with your DM. Another but more low tech route is to lean on him being a welder. That’s a pretty precise (and rare these days) occupation. There’s a chance that him being a welder means he’s in the local Union, so you could contact the town or the district union and give them his description. Another way is, you could get an app that gives to access to local talent, and manually flip through all the construction workers and handymen they have. Another way is to go to Craigslist for that town or county, and post the same exact message as here.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I can't use his username idea as it had a 4 digit number after it which I've forgotten. I was wondering if Facebook could be an idea, unfortunately Donald Trump and me are the only two people left in the world that aren't on it.
I know it sometimes feels like that but it isn't true. I'm not on Facebook and I know a lot of other people who aren't.