Is anyone here aware of any orthodox, traditional, preferably 1662 churches in the London, Ontario, Canada area?
Hi Aidan, A 1662 church, to me anyway, is a church that subscribes to and uses the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.
Andy, if you ever get to Montreal, we have The Church of St. John the Evangelist. But London ON to Montreal QC is quite a hike!
Thanks Madeline. It looks like a church that I would like to visit, should I ever find myself in Montreal Is this the church you go to?
Well, you must let me know if you do, Andy, because it's been a long time since I have had anyone to attend with. This is a church I regularly attend, and they have services every day, which is wonderful. The service is like going back in time, to an era of devotion and belief, and they have beautiful stained glass. Well, sorry for gushing - I just love this church and what they do, but I hope you find a lovely congregation closer to home!
Thanks for the warm invitation! It sounds and looks like an experience that I would enjoy. I was reading through this thread and thought that I would update it somewhat. I can advise that I have not been able to find what I thought I was looking for, but that God has once again blessed me with His providence and given me a wonderful church home. I have been attending St. George's Anglican Church for exactly one year now and I am thoroughly pleased and blessed. While part of the Anglican Church in Canada, it is decidedly more conservative and traditional than any other Anglican church in London. It too has quite some history and some lovely stained glass. The website isn't completely up to date, a work in progress, but the facebook page is fairly active.
That looks like a lovely church, and an active congregation, judging by the Facebook page. Lots of opportunity for spiritual growth.