Dear friends, Please pray for our nation. Recently, the Supreme Court re-imagined the US Constitution so as to mandate same sex marriage in all states. The bishops of the ACNA, in courageous obedience to God's Word chose to speak truth to power. They released the statement found at the following site: - It is heartening to know that even in the midst of tumultuous social upheaval there are still some Anglicans in the US who are not afraid to defend the moral order revealed in Holy Writ and witnessed in the 2000 year history of the Church. The bishops of the ACNA do us all proud-even those of usin the Episcopal Church-when they use the prophetic office they have been gifted with to reaffirm Christ's, and until a few decades ago the world's, definition of marriage. May God have mercy on us and turn us from the wickedness we would do.