Hello and good morning I've been lurking for a while and thought I'd go ahead and join in. Just a brief summary: I was baptized back in 1995, a year after high school, in a friend's parish in the PCUSA. Later I went on to attend the more conservative PCA. And as the years went by I studied more and more the practices of the early Church, patristics, Councils, etc. I changed enough in my views to begin attending an independent Catholic Church for a few years. And then last autumn I moved across country to be closer to my family and aging parents. Now my search for a local church is well under way. My studies of Anglicanism have increased, and I find much to agree with in their Prayer Book, formularies and history. I enjoy reading the Caroline divines in particular Lancelot Andrewes. Well, I hope to participate in these forums and hopefully learn more about Anglicanism. God bless you all and thank you for reading
Hullo fellow PCA-er Most of my life was spent there, now gratefully Anglican for the past four years.
I'm so happy to hear that you're drawn to Anglicanism. I find our faith to be like a cool, refreshing drink of living water, after a spiritual drought. I hope what we all finds here sustains us.
Thanks Anne. I remember the very first time I attended the PCA parish...a small group that met each Sunday in a school cafeteria. Wow they welcomed me well and were possibly the friendliest group I've ever encountered in a church. The pastor and his wife took me to their apartment for dinner that afternoon. After that the pastor and I sat and relaxed on their front porch discussing theology, philosophy and the like. I will never forget their kindness through those years. Good times Nevertheless, after my own studies, I could no longer accept the Westminster confessions and Reformed theology. So I eventually departed and wished them well. Hopefully they eventually got their own church building...cafeteria church was a bit limiting Blessings to you.
Thank you Madeline. I like the way you described that... "a cool refreshing drink of living water after a drought" God bless you.
So having attended various Anglican churches within an hours drive of where I live, looks like I've found a home... in a beautiful ACA (Anglican Church in America) church. I look forward to my future of worshiping God and growing further in my faith in this parish. The two TEC churches nearby are nice and liturgical...but their views (on just about everything) were just way too liberal. The ACNA parish within reasonable driving distance turned out to be friendly and also liturgical, but extremely "charismatic"...I'm just not into their so called "calling down the Spirit" and "faith healing" that goes on there. Anyway, just thought I'd update my Anglican journey.