Anglicanism or Roman Catholicism

Discussion in 'Navigating Through Church Life' started by IPSB, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. IPSB

    IPSB New Member

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    Lutheran for now.
    I have found my Christian faith again about a year ago and since then I have come to not believe that the Lutheran Church of Sweden teaches the truth (in the beginning mostly with regards to women's 'ordination' and gay 'marriage') and have since then studied mostly Roman Catholicism and Anglicanism and have also started attending Catholic Mass (there sadly is no Anglican Church in my town) but I have difficulty with the dogma of Papal Infallibility and with the Pope's primacy of jurisdiction as a whole. I understand most people on this forum are Anglicans faithful to the historic Church, in rejecting things like women's 'ordination' and gay 'marriage', and I wanted to ask if you could maybe shed some light on important differences between Anglicans and Roman Catholics and maybe if you could give me some reason as to why I should become Anglican rather than Roman Catholic.

    Thank you!

    Also, please excuse my English since it's not my native language.
  2. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Anglican (ACNA)
    Welcome! Yes I've shared your concerns over the years. To me basically an Anglican is someone who is catholic in the pure meaning of the term without accretions from Italy or the Popes. It is very hard for me to get over Roman dogmas on Mary or the Popes, and yet without them a Catholic cannot have salvation! At least so they teach.

    Anglicans are more humble in what they proclaim as infallible, which is pretty much what our Lord has taught, together with the Apostles. We don't ascribe infallibility to ourselves and just strive to follow the Lord rather than making him follow us.
    Swordswoman, Aidan and RBrown like this.
  3. Mark

    Mark Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United States
    Happy Anglican

    No one here is going to tell you which church you should belong. That is your decision with guidance from the Holy Ghost.

    I would suggest you read the Roman Catholic Catechism. Yes it is long. There is much information in there. Some of which may just surprise
    you. Know what the Roman Church is suppose to teach. Then look at what they do teach. Are they faithful to the Gospel or man made social justice.

    Anglicanism does not have an extensive catechism outside of scripture. We are Creedal rather than confessional. You will not find Anglicans writing large tomes of rules and beliefs like the Romans or Reformed Churches.

    I have been both Roman Catholic and Anglican Catholic. I prefer Anglican. Why? No additional requirements outside of what God and Christ requires for salvation. Rome adds to the Gospel. Better liturgy, better living a Gospel centered life in Anglicanism. Here in the States are many faithful Roman Catholics who love Christ and believe in Him. The Bishops focus more on social justice and tell the laity that is where salvation lies. Anglicans are more open, no hidden agendas. In the States the Roman Catholic Council of Bishops funds a group that funds a group that supports abortion. Roman Catholics support women's ordination, women are being given more and more roles at the altar. In some cases in more liberal Dioceses where there is a shortage of priests, women are leading "communion services".

    Anglicanism has it problems which are visible to all. Rome hides it problems below the radar. So be careful.

    I am preparing to read a document from the Vatican's Commission for Religious Relations with Jews entitled "The Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable". The summaries I have read state the document now teaches Roman Catholics that Jews do not need Jesus as Messiah. They get to
    God without Christ. I pray the summaries are incorrect, but have a sinking feeling Rome is going to abandon a central part of the teachings of Jesus Christ that you only get to God through Him.

    I pray the Holy Spirit leads you.

    Fr. Mark
  4. Rev2104

    Rev2104 Active Member

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    As a former catholic I have to say Rome has huge problems, but they try to hide. Anglicanism has a bunch of issues, but it is much more clear what there problems are.
    To me Anglicanism is Catholicism without the bloated bureaucracies and giant tomes of additional rules. I love the bible and the Eucharist. That all i need in a church.
  5. zimkhitha

    zimkhitha Active Member

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    I would explore all the big church communions that claim apostolic succession before narrowing it down to one or two churches (I wish I had done this exercising upon leaving Pentecostalism).
    Rev2104 likes this.
  6. IPSB

    IPSB New Member

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    Lutheran for now.
    Thank you all for your answers!

    I am still not sure of where I should go (that is, Anglican or Roman Catholic) but if I were to become Anglican, should I join the Church of England (Diocese of Gibraltar in Europe) or should I join a more conservative Anglican Church (I ask because I, as I previously stated, can't recognise women's 'ordination' which I believe the Church of England accepts)?
  7. Mark

    Mark Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United States
    Happy Anglican

    The ArchDeacon for Sweden for the Church of England is The Reverend Canon Barbara Moss - Gothenburg.

    If you join the CoE you would be under a female, whom you have said you do not recognize as clergy. So your choices are limited.

    This link, above, is to an Orthodox Anglican Catholic Bishop in the UK. He is not CoE. He may know of good, orthodox Anglican parishes in Sweden.

    Fr. Mark
  8. IPSB

    IPSB New Member

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    Lutheran for now.
    Thank you Fr. Mark!

    I will investigate the Anglican Catholic Church and continue praying for God's guidance.
    zimkhitha likes this.