In the preface to his book, Adventures of Ideas, Alfred North Whitehead recommends “the sermons of the Elizabethan and Jacobean Divines.” Can anyone point me to an anthology of these? Or, alternatively, a list of said “Elizabethan and Jacobean Divines?” Thanks in advance!
I am not sure if it is quite what you are looking for, however there are some useful resources here.
@Botolph I like the resource you suggest . This will give me a start; there are definitely some sermons in there from between 1558 and 1625.... Thanks for the prompt response!
A whole lot of work went into "translating" these documents. I am very impressed. This is exactly what is still needed, I warrant, for all the other Elizabethan and Jacobean sermons not listed here. The only equivalent work I know of anywhere is an edition of Hooker's Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (in modern English) that came out fairly recently.
There are probably half a dozen such glosses of Hooker's Laws in print. It's more difficult to find the original text. Archdeacon Andrew Brashier of the ACNA made a comparable gloss of John Jewel's Treatises recently.