The 2023 Anglican Join Synod certainly had a level of energy circulating. Bishop Chandler Jones called for a reality check in his "Renewal Within the G-3" address. Did the Anglican Church in America take the next big step resolving, to move into the Anglican Catholic Church? The G3 is now the G2? Is the PNCC next to step in? Stay tuned as Continuing Movement does just that.....
The Bishop of Rome has already made a nod in that direction saying the Bull has not been defined thus subject to conversation. That's nice but that aside our orders are absolutely and utterly valid and need not Rome's blessing.
Not necessarily linked to this conversation, Bishop Hewitt addressed the Synod about strengthening our parishes and expanding our ministry. Holy Cross was the first to consolidate the G4 into G3 some years ago by joining the Anglican Catholic Church (ACC), who in turn may soon receive the ACA. Although all this looks great on paper, to Bishop Hewitt’s point, it’s up to all of us if we are to spread the ministry.
Is it not more likely that once the G3 becomes the G1, the new Anglican Catholic Church will stand alongside the Polish National Catholic Church and the Nordic Catholic Church as the 3rd member of the Union of Scranton, such that Scranton will have a place for former Roman Catholics (PNCC), former Lutherans (NCC), and former Anglicans (G1)?
I know very, very little about the NCC so I did a little research. Other than what you mention it being a church in the Union with PNCC (and its apparent dogmatic similarities with the same), that is all I know. But to be frank, what I know about the PNCC is also somewhat limited other than the G3's efforts for a full ecumenical relationship with them. Is it possible the same could be extended to the NCC? I would guess so (I keep in mind TAC and the ACA). I am afraid in the end, like everything else, it depends. What I don't believe is our relationship with the PNCC is not predicated on the same formal relationship with the NCC (but I say that without any specific knowledge). Since I can't get my arms around it without a deep, deep dive, I would love to hear your opinion on the issue.