Lets start a list of books we think everyone should read for the new year. I will start first. As it is in Heaven. I found this book to be great but challenging. It goes on to talk about how liturgical worship is actually Biblical worship.
I'm currently reading Tragedy of the Templars by Michael Haag, a history of the rise and fall of the Knights Templar.
I am also reading the Starlight series of fantasy books. They are good. About the third best fantasy series I have read.
I've just started reading "Archbishop Laud" by Hugh Trevor-Roper. Already Laud in his first job, has married Penelope Devereux to his patron the Earl of Devonshire. Unfortunately Penelope had just been divorced by her husband Lord Rich for adultery with the said Earl of Devonshire.
Stranger No More by Annahita Parsan with Craig Borlase. This is a human interest story about an Iranian woman coming of age as her country is being taken over by the Ayatollahs. She and her abusive husband become refugees, sojourning across Europe. She is eventually able to be free of him and converts to Christianity.