Why do the romans celebrate epiphany on January 2? this is so strange... don't they know it's after the 12 days of Christmas (Shakespeare, Twelfth Night etc) https://www.oblates.org/homily-helps-feed/epiphany-january-2-2022 https://thedeaconsbench.com/one-resolution-to-keep-homily-for-january-2-2022-epiphany-of-the-lord/ https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/liturgicalyear/calendar/day.cfm?date=2022-01-02 "Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Epiphany." --Emm.. excuse me, no it's not, it's on January 6
Someone, somewhere, is confused. It’s Jan. 6 according to the Novus Ordo site Universalis. I follow the 1962 Benedictine calendar and tomorrow is Epiphany, with 1st Vespers this evening, just as it should be.
The bishops may exercise a local option to transfer the feast to the Sunday which falls between Jan 2 and 8.
Does it vary diocese by diocese, or at least by national boundaries? what a mess, can't believe the Romans messed up the season of Christmas
I only saw the option for the USCCB. But I can't say definitively. The local diocese even bent the rules a bit and let some of their parishes that have Saturday afternoon liturgies celebrate the Epiphany on New Years Day (the listed times were earlier than one would expect a Vigil Mass to be scheduled). Some of the nearby counties only have one or two priests and each one says Mass at 3-4 locations unless they are assigned to the one large parish in the county. The Mass intention for the 6th is St. Andre Bessette.
It depends on a variety of factors. It varies by country. Here in England the RCC celebrates Epiphany on 6th January. I know in the USA it is celebrated on the first Sunday after 1st January, i.e. between 2nd and 8th January. The Holy See prescribes that it must be moved to this Sunday if the episcopal conference of a country has removed the precept from the solemnity of the Epiphany, i.e. decided it will not be a holyday of obligation in that country. I don't know whether the USCCB decided to move the solemnity to the Sunday between 2nd and 8th January because they chose to or because they removed the precept and had to move it. In Eastern churches that follow the Julian calendar the Epiphany does not fall on our 6th January. I think celebrating the Epiphany is far more important that fixing it to a set date and ensuring all Christians observe it on that date.
It is the pre-Vatican II Roman calendar, with additional feast days for some of the prominent saints who were members of the Order of St. Benedict.