No offence but I don't ever recall a committe resolving anything. Happy New Year for anno domini 2022.
I've thought about making a new year's resolution to not make any resolutions, but I lack the resolve.
There has been a quite successful book called The KJV, it dealt with controversial issues. It was produced by a committe if I recall correctly.
KJV Translation committees First Westminster Company, translated Genesis to 2 Kings: Lancelot Andrewes, John Overall, Hadrian à Saravia, Richard Clarke, John Layfield, Robert Tighe, Francis Burleigh, Geoffrey King, Richard Thomson, William Bedwell First Cambridge Company, translated 1 Chronicles to the Song of Solomon: Edward Lively, John Richardson, Lawrence Chaderton, Francis Dillingham, Roger Andrewes, Thomas Harrison, Robert Spaulding, Andrew Bing First Oxford Company, translated Isaiah to Malachi: John Harding, John Rainolds (or Reynolds), Thomas Holland, Richard Kilby, Miles Smith, Richard Brett, Daniel Fairclough, William Thorne Second Oxford Company, translated the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, and the Book of Revelation: Thomas Ravis, George Abbot, Richard Eedes, Giles Tomson, Sir Henry Savile, John Peryn, Ralph Ravens, John Harmar, John Aglionby, Leonard Hutten Second Westminster Company, translated the Epistles: William Barlow, John Spenser, Roger Fenton, Ralph Hutchinson, William Dakins, Michael Rabbet, Thomas Sanderson Second Cambridge Company, translated the Apocrypha: John Duport, William Branthwaite, Jeremiah Radcliffe, Samuel Ward, Andrew Downes, John Bois, Robert Ward, Thomas Bilson, Richard Bancroft. I think it might actually be better described as teams based project management. This was seriously task focussed, and the translation was accomplished in about 5 years in 1609, and printing accomplished two years later. To suggest that it was produced by a committee is a little misleading. Firstly the project began under a Royal Dirrective, and at no stage did it seem to lack leadership. Archbishop Bancroft, (ABoC), took final authority, including the adjustment of Acts 1:20 One of the distinct strengths we have as humnan being is the ability to work together to create bigger things anbd to resolve greater challenges. In my experience committees can work, and indeed often do work, however they generally require leadership to keep them on task and on track. If you compare our response to Covid 19 and our response to Climate Change, you see that the challenges are the lack of ledership, or not are often at play, together with the level of commitment to steering something off course. We are indeed a most interesting species.