A church musician friend of mine confessed that Advent music is her least favorite and she tries to sneak in Christmas early since no one like Advent hymns. For me, O Come, O Come Emmanuel is one of my very favorite hymns, but I admit no thers come to mind. I looked up a hymnbook from the PECUSA (1875 ed.) . Here are some that I found under the Advent heading that I thought were especially good. What's your favorite Advent music?
I think everyone sang this last Sunday But seriously, I tuned into an ANiC service recording later on Sunday afternoon after we had attended worship in a neaby parish, and both churches sang this hymn.
You'd be surprised. My former organist wouldn't play it. She wasn't a professional so perhaps she can have a bit of slack. On Jordan's Banks the Baptist's Cry and Stabat Mater during Lent never entered her repertoire.