A Winter of Mass Starvation May Be Ahead for Afghanistan

Discussion in 'The Commons' started by Acolyte, Dec 4, 2021.

  1. Acolyte

    Acolyte New Member

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    United States
    Anglican (inactive)
    This article was just one among many on less important subjects covered on the aggregation site where I found it, but I believe it calls for dissemination to those on this board as it deals with the type of issue that should motivate all of us as Christians. There are the usual countervailing considerations, namely that help to the masses and children of Afghanistan will necessarily involve the Taliban, who no Western government currently seems to want to be involved with, but if the article is to any degree accurate the alternative would be to allow the death of up to a million people in Afghanistan during the coming Winter:


    Can these predictions be trusted? I don't know, but it seems to me that they should at the least be investigated. Likewise, even if the death toll is much smaller than predicted, it could still be horrific. I just wanted people to know that this was looming and perhaps get some thoughts in terms of what I/we can do about this?
  2. Rexlion

    Rexlion Well-Known Member

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    Christian attending ACNA
    One of my favorite charities, World Compassion, is helping to provide necessities for Christians in Afghanistan who've fled their homes and are hiding in rural areas. They also have helped some of them escape the country. I'm sure there are other worthy organizations that are involved in the same, but since I have partnered with and trusted World Compassion for more than 2 decades, I thought I'd give them a mention. Donations can be earmarked via the comments box on their webpage.
    Stalwart, Acolyte and Invictus like this.
  3. PDL

    PDL Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United Kingdom
    Church of England
    Afghanistan has been abandoned by the West. Its infrastructure is breaking down. Many parts of Afghanistan have brutal winters. The Afghan people are being cruelly abused emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually by their own people. They are being coerced at gun point to accept a warped version of Islam.

    Pay back will come to the West. Afghanistan may be happy to buy weapons off China and Russia, which will be happy to sell to them. We will see more refugees fleeing to the West. Afghanistan will become as base for terrorism. Our influence over Afghanistan has now gone. It may be influenced by China or Russia and will certainly be influenced by the more extreme forms of Islamic regime, especially from Pakistan.

    Western governments knew what would happen. They simply wanted rid of the problem of Afghanistan. However, their legacy will be a much worse problem. I feel deeply ashamed of the way we have abandoned this country.
    Stalwart and ZachT like this.
  4. Rexlion

    Rexlion Well-Known Member

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    Christian attending ACNA
    I'm deeply ashamed that we left the adversaries billions of dollars' worth of military hardware to use against whomever they wish. And we bailed out in a way that left allies and friends swinging in the breeze. The current administration blew it badly (to put it charitably).