I would probably be Presbyterian/ContReformed if Anglicanism wasn't an option. If there were no reformed churches around, I would probably go to an LCMS or Conservative Methodist Church.
Probably high church Lutheran (the ones who retained holy orders). I've been Eastern Orthodox; am firmly disenchanted from the mirage they put over western Christians. G-3 Anglicans (didn't know that was an option btw!), yeah I second that.
High church Lutherans are an interesting choice. I was a Lutheran seminarian once. Our Union of Scranton includes the Nordic Catholic Church, which is a group of former high Lutherans in Scandinavia whom our PNCC bishops cared for by consecrating bishops for them. I, too, was once EO, but I just couldn’t hack it; I’m too culturally and spiritually western Catholic.
I would still be a Christian. Although I'm currently a member of my ACNA Anglican parish, that membership doesn't define me in my mind nearly so much as does my membership in the body of Christ. If I couldn't attend an Anglican church, though, I would likely attend LCMS or a conservative, relatively orthodox (if such can be found) Methodist congregation.
I'm not sure I'd be anything other than what I was when Anglicanism found me .... a lost agnostic. I have great respect for Luther and Lutheranism, but it was CS Lewis and the beauty of the BCP's Sacrament of the Lord's Supper that broke through my ignorance and hubris. Anglicanism is the date the brought me to the party. So she's the only one I can imagine dancing with.
I would try to find a Lutheran Group with Apostolic Succession, OAC, or EO. I would search out the OAC, then the Lutherans, and then the EO. For some reason I have a fondness for the OO's also now that we realize they have a ok Christiology