I agree, this is one of the kindest places on the internet, mostly, though I notice you are speaking to @Tiffy who did have his Anglican Badge strepped from him, however they were sad days I do not want to go back there, the day has sufficient problems for the day.
Italy and Spain are currently having a really bad time. Southern Italy beginning to have looting of Supermarkets by gangs of the poor who have already run out of money and food. In the UK we can go out for exercise, walk the dog etc, keeping at least 2 metres from anyone. Most people seem to be giving more space but in our village are even more greeting each other with smiles or 'Red Indian' HOW! sign. So far people are behaving very disciplined and orderly. There have been a few appalling exceptions though according to Twitter feeds, requiring, in some cases, Police arrests. We have had cases though of people foolishly driving miles out to beauty spots to picknic. No thought for who will have to rescue them in event of accident or breakdown. Population has been advised stay local, (within 5 miles), unless responding to an emergency. I think the TOS rules preclude anyone 'ticking others off', taking over from the Mods, don't they? They do on most sites. .
I have been self isolating and only go in public during necessity such as purchasing basic staples, my freezer is full. And our Church has suspended services for the past 3 weeks and as I understand it, most probably till at least the end of April.
Our parish announced yesterday, everything is cancelled for the next 2 weeks. No Easter service, just a live stream on Facebook (which I don't use).
My Parish: Palm Sunday. The Palm Crosses will be in a box in the Lychgate area from 9am on Sunday morning. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening of Holy Week we are encouraged to say Night Prayer in our homes using the service the Church of England provides on their website. Maundy Thursday Our Priest will be saying a communion service at the Vicarage with his wife at 7pm. Our Lord said to his disciples ‘Could you not watch with me one hour’. Our Priest encourages us all to take those words to heart and spend some time on Maundy Thursday evening in prayer. Suggesting we could spend time praying for all the members of our Church community, the health service and all key workers. Good Friday from 9am onwards there will be a large cross to the left of the main door of the Church. The PCC has placed it there so that throughout the day people can come on their daily exercise walk and place a stone at the base of the cross to symbolise laying their burdens at the foot of the cross. These burdens could be their fears and anxieties for themselves, their loved ones and the world. It could be their sins which need forgiveness from the Lord; or it can be for the sufferings of the world at this present time. We are instructed to observe social distancing if someone is there, and wait till they have gone.. Easter Saturday at 8.00pm Our Priest will light the Easter Candle in the Vicarage garden and say the words which his wife will video to pass on to our Facebook Page Editor to put on the Church Facebook page. Easter Sunday The cross will be out from 7am until 8pm. We invite people to place flowers at the base of the cross or on the cross whilst on their exercise walk, ensuring they do not touch the wood or wire. This can symbolise the cross being transformed and transfigured by new life and colour to symbolise that light comes out of darkness, hope out of despair. This is an important message we need for our country and world at this time. Our Priest and his wife will be celebrating the Eucharist in the Vicarage, in isolation at 10am on Easter Sunday. .
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that our parish 'is' live streaming on Sunday mornings. But it just isn't the same. :: sigh ::
The Prayer Book Society has a list of streamed services for Holy Week here: https://www.pbs.org.uk/churches-and-services/-1 Looks like there will be a pre-recorded Choral Eucharist from Hampton Court made avaliable at 11am GMT tommorow. My cathedral is also offering streamed services https://www.salisburycathedral.org.uk/news/invitation-worship-online-during-holy-week-and-easter
Peter, In 1969, I visited England. Our college group visited Salisbury Cathedral, as well as many other cathedrals. Thank you for the current link and the opportunity for virtual visits. This means a great deal while we are in this covid wilderness. Cooper