I am interested as to what ceremonial existed for the Anglican Divines regarding the Daily Office and some of the more occasional offices, such as Commination. Of course, the prayer book rubrics make certain things clear, but are there any other sources with which I can supplement it? Things like positions in choir, whether or not the minister stays in his stall or approaches the Altar for the prayers, et cetera.
Hello DivineOfficeNerd. I consider myself to be a Laudian as well, and the theology of the Caroline Divines serves as my guide to the Christian life. That being said, here is a link to a blog article that has a lot of good information. While the author is not sympathetic to Laudianism as far as I can tell, his article has a lot of great information: http://thehackneyhub.blogspot.com/2012/01/laudian-ceremonial-part-one.html