Can a woman priest have a body piercing?

Discussion in 'Questions?' started by niccolo25, Jul 26, 2016.

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  1. niccolo25

    niccolo25 New Member

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  2. Andy

    Andy Member Anglican

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    There is no such thing as a woman priest, unless you're talking about a religion other than Christianity, but I am limited in my knowledge about such things in other religions.

    If you are talking about a religion other than Christianity, then I would suppose that if a male priest was able to have a piercing, then a woman would too. It might be a matter of discipline and/or tradition for them. I would also suppose that some religions might even encourage piercings.
    Jenkins and Aidan like this.
  3. niccolo25

    niccolo25 New Member

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  4. Botolph

    Botolph Well-Known Member

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    Perhaps the issue has to do with the advisability of the piercing. I don't see any reason why not, however I am not a fan of the practice, beyond perhaps ears for the purpose of affixing earnings. I don't particularly like nose piercing and I think tongue piercing is possibly a dental health hazard. I don't care to contemplate other piercing. I have known priest's with pierced ears, pierced noses (PNG style) so I am not sure that I know what the issue is.

    I do understand that this forum upholds a traditional view of the priesthood, so I hope niccolo25 you will understand that Andy was not being especially offensive or abrasive, he was clearly speaking his view on the matter. In general the Ordination of Women is a topic best avoided in this forum, as you know the answer before you ask the question.
    Andy and Christina like this.
  5. Mark

    Mark Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Happy Anglican

    niccolo25 is just presenting more of his pro WO position. He knows what is taught by Scripture and his Church. This is the 3rd or 4th Thread he has
    begun around WO.

    niccolo25 sides with the German wing of the Roman Church. The wing that embraces the unorthodox. Read his other posts.

    I sincerely believe he should be treated like the muslim who came here awhile back spouting his twisted beliefs on Christianity. Pray for niccolo25 like
    we do for that muslim. He is a tar baby. He won't change as he believes he is correct and 2000 years of Church teaching, history, theology and Holy Scripture is wrong. Pray and ignore him. He will eventually go to another blog to bother them with his errors and heresy.


    Fr. Mark
    Andy and Botolph like this.
  6. Christina

    Christina Active Member

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    Anglican;Eastern Orthodox
    Although I don't see why any topic should be avoided. Different opinions should be respected and responded to with love, even if the responder has a different belief/sincerely believes that the other opinion is wrong.
    Botolph and Aidan like this.
  7. Christina

    Christina Active Member

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    Anglican;Eastern Orthodox
    Fr Mark
    I am not for female ordination and I avoid any Anglican service presided over by female clergy, but there are Anglican Churches that take a different view and practice it. I would not engage in a discussion on the rights and wrongs as I do not have enough knowledge to be able to do this. But I am sure that there are other Anglicans who would be able to meaningfully engage in a respectful dialogue on this.

    I now feel a little unwelcome on this site as I attend an Anglo-Catholic Church within the Church of England which, as you will know, has taken the decision to ordain women. There are very few other options in the UK (non C of E Anglican Churches are few and far between in the UK). My Priest is male, but I assume supports, or at least has no overwhelming objection to female ordination, to have stayed in the C of E. As a Catholic he could have chosen to join the Roman Church.
  8. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Anglican (ACNA)
    There is no reason why he should be considered stuck, or you feel powerless, especially if you feel strongly about the loss of catholic orthodoxy: there are flying bishops instituted precisely for traditionalists in the Church of England:
  9. Andy

    Andy Member Anglican

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    Hi Christina,

    No need to feel unwelcome at all. My church is part of the Anglican Church of Canada which, in my opinion, is only slightly less liberally radicalized than the TEC. I would say that most of my congregation supports WO, or has no opinion, and my priest is perfectly fine with it. So, notwithstanding my warm thoughts and experiences associated with my congregation, I also thank God for forums like this one that offer a refuge, so to speak, for those of us who wish to remain orthodox and true to the teaching of God's word.

    Also, as I understand the forum's rules, WO can be discussed or asked questions about, but no longer promoted.
    anglican74 and Madeline like this.
  10. Madeline

    Madeline Well-Known Member

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    Christina, please do not for a moment feel unwelcome on this site.

    Edited to say: My church is similar to Andy's. That's why we come here.
  11. Botolph

    Botolph Well-Known Member

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    For my money you are very welcome here, and an important part of a number of the conversations.
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  12. Christina

    Christina Active Member

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    Anglican;Eastern Orthodox
    Presumably an ordained female Anglican would not be welcome on this site unless she was prepared to accept that she is wrong and deny what she may sincerely believe is a calling from God?
    Thanks for the clarification Andy.
  13. Phoenix

    Phoenix Moderator Staff Member Anglican

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    Not at all. The ban only applies to the promotion thereof.
    Andy and Madeline like this.
  14. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

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    N Ireland
    Traditional RomanCatholic
    Is this not a curb on freedom of speech? Btw, I don't subscribe to female ordination
  15. Andy

    Andy Member Anglican

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    It is part of the rules of the forum. I found it here when I was browsing around.
  16. Mark

    Mark Well-Known Member Anglican

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    United States
    Happy Anglican
    Good Morning,

    Please read his prior posts. He has been answered, he refuses to adhere to the teachings of his church and Scripture.. He is not here to engage but to push his point of view, much as the Muslim who was here earlier this year and last. You answer his questions, he asks them again in another way. You answer, he ignores and aligns with a section of his church that teaches contrary to scripture and the canons of his church. Now is the time for rebuke. He is not here to learn or even hear other positions.

    Much like the ACNA face book page that pushes WO. Go there an oppose them. You are called names.....or worse. I take it. I have very thick skin as a former Marine and an Anglican who is rapidly becoming a minority as the Communion forgets more and more scripture, tradition, history and reason.

    I understand you are CoE. CoE, like the TEC and ACiC have abandoned more and more of the tenets of faith. Sadly even some of the Gafcon churches are doing the same. If your position or even the position of an Arch Bishop is counter to the Word of God....I will oppose it. Is it love to let someone keep embracing that which scripture CLEARLY opposes? At times things have to be said and done that is not pleasant out of love. I have 5 children. When my oldest was 2 years old, I had to hold her down so a doctor could treat her. She screamed, Daddy No!, she was in pain but it had to be done. My wife could not. I did and cried the entire time. 21 years later I still remember and hate the memory. I did it so she could be cured. If I would do this for a physical life, and I have had to do other unpleasant things, what should I be willingly to do for a soul. The WO position is not based on scripture, but feelings and secular inclusiveness. It opens the Church to other heresy. The CoE embraced WO, now homosexuality is celebrated. Just like in the ACiC and TEC. In the TEC, Bishop Love equates the homosexuals kill by the Muslim in Orlando as martyrs as Christians have been martyred. He should have been asking for prayers for their souls as they were acting contrary to God. And no, they did not deserve death. (for the wag that will come along and suggest I meant that).

    St Paul confronted St Peter when St Peter forgot the ruling of the Church Council and the teachings of Christ. Paul talks about it. Jesus never accepted opposing viewpoints. Why should I as His priest accept something Christ Himself would not accept? Jesus yelled and flipped tables when needed. The Apostles turned members of the Church over to the devil when needed and Church Fathers said things that todays laity would say is mean spirited and makes them uncomfortable. And far too many clergy agree.

    For too long, the Ordained have either lead the Church astray or been silent while others have. I just refuse to remain silent any longer. I am old enough to remember when pastors, priests and even Bishops would not care about ruffling feathers or hurting feelings. They showed the ultimate in love by trying to save souls. My Grandfather was a minister for 57 years. I have numerous grand-uncles who were ministers. If someone taught or took a position contrary to Scripture and refused to accept correction. Ex-communication. The Arch Bishop of Mobile, Alabama, in the early 1980's threatened to ex-communicate an entire parish, deacons and priests included. Why? Some members were part of the KKK and when confronted refused to repent. The Arch Bishop was true to his word, canons and Scripture. They repented, except one family who went to the local Baptist Church. I met Arch Bishop Lipscomb twice. I asked him about this. He told me it was his fault, he did not stop the little things and it snowballed. I was an Anglican Priest. He told me "your Church will suffer if you do not stop the little heresies that pop up. Learn from my mistake."

    So, I do not apologized for making people uncomfortable. I do not enjoy doing so, but I will not stay silent in the face of false teachings. As a Priest I can not and will not. As a Christian I can not and will not. It does not matter how a priests vests or how many times you have Eucharist. It does matter when you teach and promote that which is clearly against the word of God.

    As for a woman who believes she is ordained. Go to the ACNA face book page. They do quiet well playing the victim and shutting down any opposition.
    I have great respect for Alice Lindsey. She was "ordained" in the TEC. By her own admission the more she read and began to understand. To listen to those who opposed WO, the more she realized what she was doing was against Scripture. She renounced and went to the Orthodox Church and just a few years ago returned to Anglicanism. She took and to this day takes alot of grief from the pro-wo movement for her beliefs.

    I welcome anyone who is willing to listen. Sadly I find far too many pro-wo who refuse to listen and understand the clear meaning of Scripture. But anything can happen. I am presenting talks this month to a group that has been rabidly anti catholic, I attended their meetings for a few months in clericals. When they said something contrary to catholic teaching or scripture I spoke up. I talked with them. Prayed for them. Challenged them. Now I get to teach them for a few weeks on Catholicism (Anglicanism), Scripture, Church History. I have the conviction of by faith and beliefs, so I will walked into the Lions Den so to speak. But then again, I am a former Infantry Marine.


    Fr. Mark
    Aidan, Andy and Madeline like this.
  17. Botolph

    Botolph Well-Known Member

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    I do hope that goes well, and you need less of your Infantry Marine training. As always our goal is to speak the truth in love.
    Madeline likes this.
  18. Christina

    Christina Active Member

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    Anglican;Eastern Orthodox
    As I made clear in my post I am opposed to female ordination. Yes I do attend an Anglo-Catholic C of E Church. There are few Anglican Churches in England that are not C of E. I haven't seen Niccolo's previous posts. I am unlikely to visit the ACNA Facebook page, not being on Facebook myself nor being particularly interested in the ACNA.
    Aidan and Botolph like this.
  19. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

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    N Ireland
    Traditional RomanCatholic
    The Pope has formed a committee of theologians , seven male and six female , to look at the possibility of female deacons
  20. DivineOfficeNerd

    DivineOfficeNerd Active Member Anglican

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    Laudian Anglo-Catholic
    "If you want a problem to remain unresolved, create a commission" HH Francis of Rome
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