Leader of Anglican Ordinariate admits interest has waned [CatholicCulture]

Discussion in 'Anglican and Christian News' started by World Press, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. Castellan

    Castellan New Member

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    Pope Benedict acted as a true bishop. sad truth is he was conned. The problem with the ordinariate in the uk is Monsigner Newton and the leadership. They never wanted to be true Catholics and have treat some converting Anglicans diabolically. Its the old boys club of gin, lace and back stabbing. Ex Anglican clergy can be so bitter.
    The Ordinariate could be so much....but sadly it wont be.
    Thank you Papa Benedict. Shame you have been betrayed. Time Newton resigned.
  2. anglican74

    anglican74 Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Anglican (ACNA)
    why would they want to be something they already were
    Anne likes this.
  3. highchurchman

    highchurchman Well-Known Member Anglican

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    Truth to tell were they ever taught properly, or were they ever taught the faith even?
    Anne likes this.
  4. Spherelink

    Spherelink Active Member

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    Unhinged SC Anglican
    You know what is funny? I have had a similar experience with the US corollary for Newton. It all happened when I had a misfortune of wandering into an Ordinariate service recently.

    By the way it was peculiar to observe that the liturgy, ripped off from Cranmer's sacred words, was mixed with Romanist irrverence, standing for most of the Service (including communion!), far less reverent than my regular classical Anglican Liturgy Of spending most of the time (80-85%) on our knees, and receiving the holy Sacrament kneeling at the altar rail.

    When I mentioned this inconvenient juxtaposition to the Ordinariate priest, and the ex-Anglicans they were considerably miffed.

    But in any case to return to my point about "Monsignor" Newton who runs the Ordinariate in England-.. the US analog for him is "Monsignor" Schneerson. So letting bygones be bygones about the Ordinariates' irreverence I inquired at them at length about their whole arrangement with Rome, departure from the Anglican Communion and other such ancillary details. They had told me at length their complaints about Schneerson and how unworthy he was for the Ordinariate in the United States. To staff churches he'd passed over much holier priests for unworthy cronies who played politics, to gain his affection. He played the role of a bishop as the Ordinary, for the US Ordinariate, despite being nothing more than a priest himself. That humble stature was obfuscated through his affection for pomp and circumstance, him, lace and other trappings of high society which he had conceived for himself, while his branch of the Ordinariate shrunk and withered.

    I must say I'd walked away with a dirty taste in my mouth after that visit.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2015